
Brazil in Tartegnin

Published on 19 April 2024


Brazilian Selections Winner

For the second time, a woman has won the prize for the best fondue in Brazil ! The competition took place from April 11 to 14, 2024 in Sao Paulo.
Chef Malu Mello will represent Brazil in the final on November 15, 2025 in Tartegnin.

Mondial de fondue 2025 - Sélections au Brésil, Malu Mello
Mondial de fondue 2025 - Sélections au Brésil, Malu Mello

Rio de Janeiro chef Malu Mello, 39, whose business is catering dinners and buffets for an exquisite public, including celebrities, hails from the countryside. His father pioneered tomato production in Paty Alferes (RJ), from where he left in 2017 to live in the capital. Today, she is a reference in the world of gastronomy.

Malu is part of a generation of chefs seeking regional flavors and an appreciation of artisanal food production. Malu's recipe contains traditional Gruyère and two types of native cheese, plus a touch of cachaça mineira, all locally sourced. « I wanted to promote small-scale producers, » she says.

The chef is a graduate of the French Alain Ducasse school, is a member of the Italian Federation of Cooks and holds a post-graduate diploma in functional gastronomy.


Brazilian finalist presents herself

Clara Gaehwiler is the Brazilian finalist we're delighted to welcome to Tartegnin.
Find out more about his career through his presentation film and the articles below (in Portuguese).




Brazilian ambiance guaranteed

...q ith the group Bon'd Brasil performing under the Pressoirs tent in Tartegnin on Saturday 18 November from 8.30-10.30pm.

Thanks to our partner Swiss, a tent of honor will welcome Brazil and Quebec in the center of the village of Tartegnin. You'll be able to taste Brazilian and Canadian beers or Caïpirinha cocktails and Ours Polaire Québecois.


Brazilian Selections Winner

She won her ticket to the final on November 18, 2023 in Tartegnin. An amazing adventure !

Mondial de fondue 2023 - Sélections au Brésil, Clara Gaehwiler
Mondial de fondue 2023 - Sélections au Brésil, Clara Gaehwiler

Clara Gaehwiler, who makes her own cheeses with her father in Pirenópolis, Goiás, was the big winner of the Brazilian selections. Her passion began when her father moved from Switzerland to Brazil 40 years ago. She shared her victory with him.

Cheese makers Juliana Raposo and her mother, Heloísa Collins, were second in the jury and audience selection. The cheese chosen by Heloísa was its Dolce Bosco, a blue goat cheese crowned in 2022 as the second best cheese in the world.

While respecting the imposed recipe with 50% Gruyère the candidates brought a Brazilian touch to the event by innovating : there was cachaça (a sugar cane brandy produced in Brazil), jambu (a medicinal plant used in cooking in Brazil) and even guava.


NRTV short video contents

Take a look at the short video contents from our partner NRTV for selections in Brazil from our press page.


Brazilian selections

For this 4th edition of the World Fondue Competition, we will welcome the amateur and professional finalists from Brazil, whose competition will take place on May 15, 2023.
Anyone ? Sign up !